Eurail Passes
For over 50 years, Eurail has been helping travelers see more of Europe for less — and with ease.
The name is synonymous with train travel. Eurail passholders enjoy frequent, fast, and efficient travel by rail between the great cities—and smaller towns—in Europe. With its Global Pass, Eurail now provides unlimited train travel in 28 European countries. From Austria to Turkey, passholders experience stress-free travel that combines beautiful iconic scenery and a chance to meet other travelers and local Europeans. For a list of partner railways in Europe, go here.

Eurail started as a simple concept: a single rail pass to see all the countries of Europe. Travelers hop on and off the train as they liked, creating their own European adventures as they go. Eurail has changed with times. Passholders now have the opportunity to travel by high-speed rail; passes are also even more flexible, now customized to specific countries and shorter periods. Whether a few days on a single country pass, a combination of 2, 3, or 4 countries, or even for an extended three-month backpack excursion, Eurail has perfect pass for you.

The good news for rail riders in Europe is there is a pass to suit any type of traveler, including Free Children passes, passes with Youth discounts and special deals for small groups of 2 to 5 people traveling together. Eurail passes remain one of the most convenient ways to travel Europe and include added freebies and bonuses, like Ferries, in addition to a rotating special offers exclusively for its customers.
Explore your options and choose the best Eurail pass for you. All aboard!
Related Passes:
Eurail Global Pass
Eurail Single Country Pass